
The data in the table is taken from a bookshop's catalogue.

The key to the table is:

F = Fiction

NF = Non fiction

P = Paperback

H = Hardback


  1. Enter all the data below into a database, save it and print our a list with your name as a header.
  2. Print out a list of all the stock in alphabetical order of Author.
  3. It is company policy to re-order stock when it has fallen below
  4. List the books, which should be reordered.
  5. During the sale next month all the paperback non-fiction books are to be reduced by £1. List those to be reduced.
  6. A copy of Black Beauty was sold today. Amend the record accordingly.
  7. As Catalogue Number N14 has not sold well it is decided to take this book out of stock. Delete the record.
  8. List the books in alphabetical order by title.
  9. The books with catalogue number beginning with B are all biographical works. List these.
  10. .The manager would like all of the non-fiction, hardback books in stock. Print only the Title and Number in stock please.
Cat No. Title Author Type Cover No. in Stock
N7 Act of Will Taylor-Bradford B H 3
N8 Perfect Boy Le Carre J F H 6
T4 Dogs of War, The Forsyth F F H 4
E3 Cambridge Music Guide Sadie S NF H 1
N9 Let Sleeping Vets Lie Herriot J F P 3
N10 Block Beauty Sewell A F p 1
E4 Tudors,The Ross J NF H 3
ES Kings and Queens of England Marlow J NF H 2
N11 Buddenbrooks Mann T F p 5
TS Assassination Run Gerson J F P 4
E6 Voyager from Scotland Maxwell) G NF P 1
T6 Apostle of Pity Munthe A F N 3
N12 Ring of Bright Water Maxwell G NF P 2
B3 Agony & The Ecstasy, The Stone I NF H 1
N13 Ugly Americans, The Lederer WJ F H 2
N14 Ivy Tree, The Stewart M F H 1
N98 Landfall Shute N F P 4
B4 Herm Wood J NF P 3
T8 Twenty-Three Tales Tolstoy L F H 2
BS Will the Real lan Cormichael Carmichael I NF P 3